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Elective Rotations and Externships
Senior externships
Senior elective rotations for UMMC and other medical students are offered in all divisions in the Department of Surgery, and these rotations are arranged through the Surgery Education Office. After the Surgery Education Office determines the availability of a rotation, the Office of the Registrar will send an application form to be filled out completely and returned. Senior externships are offered only to students enrolled in medical schools accredited by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Each rotation lasts one month. Housing is not provided for students from other medical schools.
Surgery elective rotations
General information about each surgery elective is summarized below:- General surgery
Students may elect either rotations at the University Hospital or the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. A student is responsible for preoperative work-up, progress notes and participation in the operations on all surgical patients. Ward round attendance and participation in all seminars held by the Department of Surgery are integral parts of this rotation. A student is responsible for the care of outpatients under the supervision of faculty members. The role of the student in patient care is closely akin to that of the intern. While on the General Surgery rotation, the student may concurrently participate in research. This rotation is offered all months. The rotation at University Hospital is limited to 8 students on four services with two students each. The rotation at the VA Medical Center is limited to 3 students. - Cardiothoracic surgery
This rotation is located at University Hospital. Particularly stressed is major heart surgery and the pre- and postoperative care of these patients. Angiography, cardiac catheterization and other diagnostic testing are emphasized. The student will also be exposed to a broad spectrum of thoracic surgical problems related to pulmonary, esophageal and chest wall abnormalities. Students participate in patient rounds, cardiac conferences, and chest conferences, clinic follow-up and surgical assistance comprise the spectrum at duties. Research activities are encouraged. This rotation is offered all months, and it is limited to two students. - Surgical critical care
This rotation is located at University Hospital. The student will be an integral part of the team participating in the daily care of patients in the Surgery Intensive Care Unit. Emphasis will be placed on cardiopulmonary physiology, critical care monitoring and nutrition. Ethical and medicolegal issues pertaining to critical care medicine will be discussed. Participation will be under the guidance of the SICU faculty. This rotation is offered all months except July and August, and it is limited to two students. - Pediatric surgery
This rotation is located at University Hospital. The student will assist in the comprehensive surgical management of pediatric patients. Work in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, the operating room and on the general nursing units will familiarize the student with those problems peculiar to the pediatric patient. Preoperative work-up and hospital care will be carried out by the student under the supervision of members of the pediatric surgery faculty. This rotation is available all months except July or August, except on special arrangements, or December, and it is limited to one student. - Urology
This rotation is located at University Hospital, and it may be repeated two times for credit. Emphasis is placed upon clinical experience and responsibility. Students will participate in patient care in the hospital, operating room, and clinics. Independent reading is encouraged, and time is provided for formal teaching sessions. Research projects, such as chart reviews and case reports, are encouraged. This rotation is available all months, and it is limited to two students. - Plastic and reconstructive surgery
This rotation is located at University Hospital. The objectives are to acquaint the student with the principles of wound healing and their application to the care of patients. Students will have the opportunity to participate in the care of plastic surgery patients, having cosmetic, congenital, traumatic and oncologic problems. Students are expected to attend rounds, formal teaching sessions, and clinics and to assist at surgery. The rotation will afford the opportunity for students to learn basic surgical techniques, and students will be able to perform minor procedures under close supervision. Faculty will arrange student participation in research projects related to plastic surgery. Interested students should apply at the division office, and each request will be considered individually. This rotation is available all months, and it is limited to four students.